A Brief Summary of Current and Future Projects

So, we’re near to the end of August and I haven’t put out any posts, which could lead one to the impression that I’ve been idle and haven’t been working on any content, I wanted to correct this impression, show people a bit of what I’ve been working on, and ask some questions of my readers as to what sort of content you want to see more of.

If you’re just someone who reads this blog, you would be forgiven for making the mistaken impression that most of my work is nonfiction, but most of the projects I have been working on, have worked on historically, and will continue to work on, are fiction. Here’s the complete list of projects of mine at this point, both on and offline.

Seattle Rationality – I’ve inherited the lead organizer position for the rationalist meetup and reading group in Seattle at the local community center here, this entails picking readings, organizing events, moderating discussions, and generally making sure that things keep happening and existing.

Sideways in Hyperspace – My longest and most well developed serial fiction story, a sci-fi space opera of which you can read the first 38 chapters as well as supplementary materials for free online now. Sideways in Hyperspace has been on hiatus for several years while I dealt with a period of instability in my personal life, but I’ve recently begun work on it again, and I finished chapters 39 and 40 earlier this month. Once I have some additional buffer prepared and I’m confident in pacing myself, I’ll announce a return date for SiH. Expect to see more Sideways in Hyperspace before the end of the year.

Unnamed Serial Sci-Fi Story – I am well underway on drafting another serial sci-fi story set in a universe very different from SiH’s universe. That story will be much more close in, and feature a much tighter cast than SiH’s expansive and sweeping narrative. I haven’t put words down yet, but the characters are named, the setting is developed, and large chunks of the plot are outlined. If things go well, I might start releasing chapters of this concurrently with SiH.

Tales from Aeria – A very well developed fantasy steampunk series that I wrote an entire manuscript for when I was younger, and which I have recently been poking at and would like to revive eventually. I probably won’t start publishing anything from it until after SiH has concluded.

Unnamed Dark World Story – I’ve less thoroughly but still somewhat concretely assembled the outline, plot, and draft for an urban fantasy about people going into and out of a parallel world and the effects of the worlds colliding and interacting. I have no idea when I will write this.

SEED – An enormous urban fantasy worldbuilding project I have been undertaking for the last several years, the SEED world could potentially spawn numerous stories once I finish developing it. I probably won’t put anything out for it for several more years, it’s kind of my baby and I want it to be utterly flawless when I do start posting it.

Hivewired – This blog. Historically the way I’ve written things on here is that if I have something to say, I say it, but otherwise don’t post with any particular regularity. I could potentially change that, ramble on for a while about current events once a week or somesuch if there is actually interest, let me know in the comments.

Kenjutsu – I’ve been studying martial arts for ten months now, I train in Nami Ryu under Sensei Josh Ross at the Sato Bu Kan Dojo here in Seattle, this has been super good for me. I’ve also been a bit involved in doing advertising and marketing for the dojo. I could probably write about that on this blog, again, if there is actually interest, let me know in the comments.

Japanese – I’ve been learning Japanese for going on two years now. I still can’t speak it particularly fluently, but I can stumble through asking where the bathroom is and apologizing for being an idiot American. I’d like to try and get some sort of study group together for this if possible eventually, maybe have tea and talk Japanese at each other for a few hours.

Doing any of this stuff takes time, of course, and I currently still have to work a day job which is to sell fancy cheese. I have a Patreon and the more support I can get the less time I will need to devote to work and the more I can devote to my various writing and organizing projects. There are various other things I would like to do, such as running a science crafts group where we make historical inventions and do experiments or a rationalist fitness group where we go hiking and talk about philosophy. There are lots of interesting things I could be doing and facilitating, and I am happy to facilitate if I can get the resources to do so.

I’ve always posted my stories online for free because I want to share them with the world and because sharing them is more important to me than making money off of them. However, I do still need to eat and pay rent. By supporting me on Patreon, you’re helping free up my time so I can produce more content, faster, and with greater regularity.

Thank you so much for your support and your continued readership and patronage


6 thoughts on “A Brief Summary of Current and Future Projects

      • I don’t know what’s the easy way to generate crossposts, but, from my experience, the LessWrong.com staff is very nice and eager to help. My suggestion is contacting them through that Intercom button or email, and they will probably have a solution.


  1. I’m only familiar to your content from this blog. I imagine your stories are interesting, but I’ve had annoyingly little time for stories as late. I do enjoy what you post here and I would be happy to see more content in a similar vein, I’m not sure what weekly updates would entail, but hearing more about your worldview is interesting, so if you feel you’ve anything of interest to note I’d be game.


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